Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Shoe Box Math - Book Review

One of my new favorite books is Shoe Box Math Learning Centers by Jacqueline Clarke. This book is full of awesome ideas, for quick, easy, and inexpensive learning centers that can be used from Pre-K to 3rd grade.

The book states that it is for grades 1-3, but many of the activities can be used in the lower grades and can even be used with struggling 4th and 5th graders. The activities are also very easy to modify to meet your needs or your students needs.

There are 40 activities in the book and each gives you the instructions as well as any black line masters that you need. In most cases, all you are providing the shoe box (or ziploc back as I prefer) to put the activity in, and a few other things that you most likely have on hand already, such as dice, crayons, scissors, etc.

A few activity examples are forming numbers with play dough using black line masters (provided), great for a pre-schooler learning numbers. Race to 100 game where players roll dice and race to fill in their hundreds board, counting all the way, creating a house on grid paper using specific measurements, and graphing the number of times certain numbers are rolled on a dice. Even a clock game played like Old Maid, where you can customize the times for your students needs. There are many, many more activities, all meeting NCTM Standards.

And homeschoolers, this is a perfect addition to your resource library, especially for those using workboxes. Most, if not all of these games can be played individually, and will fit perfectly into your boxes.

Want to get it? You can also win it! I'm giving away this book next month, and all comments from now until December 18th give you a chance to win! Click here for more information.

For the price, this book certainly can't be beat. I know I'll be refering to this book often during the rest of my student teaching, and when I start teaching on my own.

Disclamer: I was not paid in any way, shape, or form, I purchacased and decided to review this book on my own.

Note: Please consider purchasing using the link above. I earn a little commission from the sales purchased through the links and would be greatly apprechiative of your support.

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